//| SvePivots.mq4 Version 3.3 |
//| Copyright © 2008-2017, Sylvain vervoort |
//| http://stocata.org/|
#property copyright "©2008-2018, Sylvain vervoort"
#property link "http://stocata.org/"
#property description "Pivot points calculated on previous day"
#property description "with Lowest low and Highest high price,"
#property description "Not on Daily, weekly or monthly! 2018 V3.3"
#property description " "
#property description "Make sure you have a clean correct database!"
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 15
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_color3 SkyBlue
#property indicator_color4 Coral
#property indicator_color5 Aqua
#property indicator_color6 Pink
#property indicator_color7 LightBlue
#property indicator_color8 Magenta
#property indicator_color9 LightGray
#property indicator_color10 LightGray
#property indicator_color11 LightGray
#property indicator_color12 LightGray
#property indicator_color13 LightGray
#property indicator_color14 LightGray
#property indicator_color15 LightGreen
#property indicator_width1 1
#property indicator_width2 1
#property indicator_width3 1
#property indicator_width4 1
#property indicator_width5 1
#property indicator_width6 1
#property indicator_width7 1
#property indicator_width8 1
#property indicator_width9 1
#property indicator_width10 1
#property indicator_width11 1
#property indicator_width12 1
#property indicator_width13 1
#property indicator_width14 1
#property indicator_width15 1
#property indicator_style1 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style2 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style3 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style4 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style5 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style6 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style7 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style8 STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_style9 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style10 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style11 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style12 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style13 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style14 STYLE_DASH
#property indicator_style15 STYLE_SOLID
//---- input parameters
extern int DiffLocMinServTme=0; // Difference Local Time Minus Server Time
//---- buffers and other Definitions
double PPBuffer[]; // Pivot Point
double S1Buffer[]; // Support 1
double R1Buffer[]; // Resistance 1
double S2Buffer[]; // Support 1
double R2Buffer[]; // Resistance 2
double S3Buffer[]; // Support 1
double R3Buffer[]; // Resistance 3
double PLBuffer[]; // Previous day low
double S1MBuffer[]; // Support 1 mean value
double R1MBuffer[]; // Resistance 1 mean value
double S2MBuffer[]; // Support 2 mean value
double R2MBuffer[]; // Resistance 2 mean value
double S3MBuffer[]; // Support 3 mean value
double R3MBuffer[]; // Resistance 3 mean value
double PHBuffer[]; // Previous day High
double PP, S1, S2, S3, R1, R2, R3, PL, LastHigh, LastLow;
double S1M, S2M, S3M, R1M, R2M, R3M, PH;
int GMTDiff = 0, DstTime, DstCorrection, DifLocMinServ;
int ThisDay, PrevDay;
bool SundayTrade = false;
//| SvePivots indicator initialisation function |
int OnInit()
// Check validity of the input: Local minus Server time
DifLocMinServ = DiffLocMinServTme;
if( MathAbs(DifLocMinServ) > 12 )
DifLocMinServ = 0;
Alert("Enter a valid difference for Local minus Server time!");
Alert("Invalid! Difference should be +-12, 0 used instead!");
// Buffer parameters
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(6, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(8, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(9, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(10, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(11, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(12, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(13, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT);
SetIndexStyle(14, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID);
SetIndexBuffer(0, PPBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(1, S1Buffer);
SetIndexBuffer(2, R1Buffer);
SetIndexBuffer(3, S2Buffer);
SetIndexBuffer(4, R2Buffer);
SetIndexBuffer(5, S3Buffer);
SetIndexBuffer(6, R3Buffer);
SetIndexBuffer(7, PLBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(8, S1MBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(9, R1MBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(10, S2MBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(11, R2MBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(12, S3MBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(13, R3MBuffer);
SetIndexBuffer(14, PHBuffer);
// Daylight saving Time correction
DstTime = TimeDaylightSavings();
// wintertime DstTime == 0
// summertime DstTime == daylight saving time difference in
seconds (+3600 seconds)
if (DstTime==0) DstCorrection = 3600; else DstCorrection = 0;
// Indicator name
string DiffLocServTime = IntegerToString(DifLocMinServ);
// GMT/UTC Difference Local minus Server time
GMTDiff = TimeHour(TimeGMT()) - TimeHour(TimeLocal()) + DifLocMinServ;
SundayTrade = false;
//| SvePivots Indicator calculation function |
int OnCalculate (const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime& time[],
const double& open[],
const double& high[],
const double& low[],
const double& close[],
const long& tick_volume[],
const long& volume[],
const int& spread[])
// Do not show daily Pivots on Day, Week or Monthly charts
if(Period() == PERIOD_D1) return(rates_total);
if(Period() == PERIOD_W1) return(rates_total);
if(Period() == PERIOD_MN1) return(rates_total);
// How many bars in this chart?
int counted_bars = prev_calculated; // How may bars in the chart?
if (counted_bars < 0) return(-1); // No bars return error.
if (counted_bars > 0) counted_bars--; // -1 to start count from index 0.
int limit=(MathMin(rates_total-counted_bars,rates_total-1));
for(int i=limit; i>=0 && !_StopFlag; i--)
// Handle the output for the first history bar
if(i == limit)
LastLow = open[i];
LastHigh = open[i];
// Keep track of the highest and lowest price
reached during the current day
if(high[i+1] > LastHigh) LastHigh = high[i+1];
if(low[i+1] < LastLow) LastLow = low[i+1];
// What day of the week are we?
ThisDay = TimeDayOfWeek(Time[i] +GMTDiff*3600+DstCorrection);
PrevDay = TimeDayOfWeek(Time[i+1]+GMTDiff*3600+DstCorrection);
// Is there data available starting on a Sunday (forex)?
// If yes, set SundayTrade TRUE.
if(ThisDay == 0) SundayTrade = true;
// If current bar and previous bar are within the same day,
// or current bar is a Saterday, just extend the current pivot level
if(ThisDay - PrevDay == 0 || ThisDay == 6) FunctionWriteCurrPivot(i);
// If current and previous day are different AND not a Saterday or
// not a Sunday trade then calculate and draw new pivots
else if(ThisDay != PrevDay && !SundayTrade && ThisDay != 6)
double PriceClose = close[i+1];
double PriceOpen = open [i];
FunctionCalcNewPivots (i,PriceClose,PriceOpen);
// If there are Sunday Trading hours and this is a Monday,the new week is
// already started on the Sunday, we just extend the Sunday values
else if(SundayTrade && ThisDay == 1) FunctionWriteCurrPivot(i);
// If we have a day change AND trading on Sunday true, we handle it here
// calculating the new pivots and draw them on the chart
else if(ThisDay != PrevDay && SundayTrade)
double PriceClose = close[i+1];
double PriceOpen = open [i];
FunctionCalcNewPivots (i,PriceClose,PriceOpen);
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Function, store current pivot values for this new bar |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
int FunctionWriteCurrPivot(int a)
PPBuffer[a] = PP;
S1Buffer[a] = S1;
R1Buffer[a] = R1;
S2Buffer[a] = S2;
R2Buffer[a] = R2;
S3Buffer[a] = S3;
R3Buffer[a] = R3;
PLBuffer[a] = PL;
S1MBuffer[a] = S1M;
R1MBuffer[a] = R1M;
S2MBuffer[a] = S2M;
R2MBuffer[a] = R2M;
S3MBuffer[a] = S3M;
R3MBuffer[a] = R3M;
PHBuffer [a] = PH;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Function calculate new pivott values for this new bar |
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
int FunctionCalcNewPivots(int a, double PrClose, double PrOpen)
PP = (LastHigh + LastLow + PrClose) / 3;
R1 = (2*PP) - LastLow;
S1 = (2*PP) - LastHigh;
R2 = PP + (LastHigh - LastLow);
S2 = PP - (LastHigh - LastLow);
R3 = (2*PP) + (LastHigh - (2*LastLow));
S3 = (2*PP) - ((2* LastHigh) - LastLow);
PL = LastLow;
R1M = (R1-PP)/2 + PP;
S1M = (PP-S1)/2 + S1;
R2M = (R2-R1)/2 + R1;
S2M = (S1-S2)/2 + S2;
R3M = (R3-R2)/2 + R2;
S3M = (S2-S3)/2 + S3;
PH = LastHigh;
LastLow = PrOpen;
LastHigh = PrOpen;
PrevDay = ThisDay;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------